Need and demand assessment: supported and specialised housing
The government’s Adult Social Care White Paper proposes a number of interventions and sets out a selection of investment streams to better understand local need to transform the range of specialist and supported housing choices and related personalised services that support independence, choice and control. Our expert understanding of the supported housing market and modelling tools can assist you assess as follows:
Our service
- Assessment of demand for housing for older people, across all tenures and housing types
- Assessment of demand for different types of supported housing/accommodation
- Assessment of demand for accessible and fully adapted housing for adults with physical disabilities
- Assessment of demand for adapted properties amongst families with a child with disabilities
- Assessment of demand for housing and support services for people at risk of homelessness
Case Study

Housing and accommodation needs assessment for people with learning disabilities in West Wales to 2037
- West Wales Care Partnership
Our role
- undertaking an housing and accommodation needs assessment for people with learning disabilities in West Wales to 2037 (opens new window)
- West Wales Care Partnership (WWCP) required an assessment of the housing and accommodation needs amongst people with learning disabilities across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire over the next 10-20 years.
- WWCP wanted a quantitative housing need estimating model that they could use and refine as circumstances change over time.
- We developed a quantitative evidence base that can be used as one source of evidence of future housing need amongst people with learning disabilities alongside other sources of data available to WWCP such as qualitative research with people with learning disabilities and their carers.
- A housing need predictor model that can be used and refined by WWCP over time. This has been applied to generate an assessment of future need within Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.