DH ECH Fund 2006 - 07


In recent months the Department of Health has been exploring how best to allocate the £20m set aside for Extra Care Housing in 2006/2007. After much deliberation the Department has decided that due to the relatively low amount available this coming year it would not be reasonable to require councils to submit bids in the usual detailed format and so there will not be a bidding round.

However, the Department is keen to build on the success of the programme to date and has agreed to allocate some capital funds to a handful of social services authorities whose scheme bids scored highly but failed to attract any resources in previous rounds. They are:

  • Brighton & Hove City Council £3.244m
  • Nottingham City Council £3m
  • Portsmouth City Council £4.811
  • Slough Borough Council £2.92
  • Hartlepool Council £5.907m

The Extra Care Housing Fund finance will be released as part of the Department of Health's Adults' Personal Social Services (PSS): Specific Revenue And Capital Grant Allocations For 2006-07 & 2007-08. Councils have already been informed through the local authority social services letters LASSL (2005)6 (opens new window), (see page 5, para 20 and page 12)

Further information on the £40m Extra Care Housing fund and bidding arrangements for 2007/2008 are expected in early 2006. The intention is to provide authorities greater "lead in" time to the implementation of this programme.