An A-Z of Intergenerational / cohousing developments

During the pandemic, we have seen a growing interest in intergenerational living and other forms of locally led housing initiatives as a means to foster greater community connectedness. We are proud to be a founding member of the Intergenerational Housing Network (opens new window). And, as reported in the recent report by InCommon for Clarion Futures, Sustaining intergenerational communities at a time of crisis, Covid-19 has been a catalyst for reimagining how we facilitate intergenerational connectedness in a digital age.
On a lighter note, we have created this A to Z of intergenerational housing and community-led housing projects, such as cohousing developments, where one of the words in the scheme name begins with a letter of the alphabet.
The list of 26 projects is purely meant as a bit of light-hearted fun in these challenging times. We welcome your suggestions, especially any scheme that starts with a Z!
Click on the hyperlinks below to access further information the Housing LIN has on each of the schemes highlighted. This could be a guest blog, case study and/or scheme profile on the online directory of Department of Health funded schemes, hosted by the Housing LIN.
A = Aylesbury Estate, Southwark, London
- Operator - Notting Hill Genesis; Southwark Council
- Architect - HTA Design LLP; Hawkins\Brown Architects LLP; Mae Architects
B = Beveridge Mews, Tower Hamlets, London (also known as Hannibal Road Gardens)
- Operator - Southern Housing Group
- Architect - Peter Barber Architects
C = Chobham Manor, Olympic Park
- Operator - Taylor Wimpey
- Architect - PRP
D = Derwenthorpe, York
- Operator - Joseph Rowntree Housing
- Architect - Studio Partington Associates
E = Ebbsfleet Healthy New Town, Kent
- Operator - Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
- Architect - Sarah Wigglesworth Architects
F = Forgebank Cohousing, Lancaster
- Opertator - Lancaster Cohousing
- Architect - Eco Arc Ltd
G = Llyg Glan Y Afon, Newtown
- Operator - Wales and West HA
- Architect - Hughes Architects
H = Hanham Hall, Bristol (Forthcoming HLIN case study!)
- Operator - Barratt Homes; Sovereign Housing Association
- Architects - HTA Design
I = Intergenerational Housing Network, United for All Ages
- United for all Ages report: Together in the 2020s: twenty ideas for creating a Britain for all ages by 2030
J = Jentex Village, Kent
- Operator - Jentex
- Architect - RM Architects
K = The Kohab, London
L = LILAC, Leeds (opens new window)
- Operator - LILAC Mutually Owned
- Architect - White Design
M = Marmalade Lane, Cambridge
- Operator - Cambridge K1
- Architect - Mole architects
N = New Ground, Barnet
- Operator - Older Womens’ Cohousing
- Architects - Pollard Thomas Edwards
- Maria Brenton, Senior Cohousing Ambassador, UK Cohousing HLIN guest blog: ‘New Ground’ Cohousing Community, High Barnet: resilience and adaptability
O = Oakfield Village, Swindon
- Operator - Igloo
- Architects - Metropolitan Workshop; PRP; and landscape architects LUC
P = Parkside, Matlock
- Operator - Barncroft Homes
- Architect - Evans Vettori Architects
Q = The Chocolate Quarter, Keynsham
- Operator - St Monica Trust
- Architect - KWL Architects
R = Rock Ferry, Wirral (opens new window)
- Operator - Torus Homes
- Architect - Pozzoni Arch
S = Spring Hill, Stroud
- Operator - Stroud Co-housing
- Architect - Robert Bray Associates; Archetype Architects
T = The Cockaigne Houses, Hatfield
- Operator - The Cockaigne Housing Group
- Architect - RM Architects
U = Manchester Urban Co-Housing, Manchester (opens new window)
- In development
V = Woodchester Valley Retirement Village, Nailsworth
- Operator - Woodchester Valley Retirement Village
- Architects - Omit
W = Caring Wood, Kent (opens new window)
- Operator - Privately owned
- Architects - Macdonald Wright Architects
X = Longbridge Extra Care Retirement Village, Birmingham
- Operator - The ExtraCare Charitable Trust
- Architect - Nicol Thomas Architects
Y = Awel Y Coleg, Bala, Gwynedd (opens new window)
Extra Care Scheme with an intergenerational choir
- Operator - Grwp Cynefin
- Architect - Wynn Rogers Architectural Services