HSU - Supporting our work in the South West

With initial support from the Housing LIN, the South West Housing Support Unit has produced a range of useful toolkits which are available for download from this page.

The overall aim of the Unit was to support every local authority area to have an informed plan for achieving better housing options for older people (including those that are vulnerable).

The project followed up on regional research 'Putting Older People First in the South West (opens new window)' and the work of the South West Housing LIN.

The report of the HSU's work in the region is available for download from this page. The report features write-ups of the informed plans developed in seven local authority areas and 'Light Touch Audits' in a further nine authorities.

HSU Report

HSU Report: First Phase - Informed Plans

Toolkits available for download

Models of Hub and Spoke

Please note that this toolkit has two case study appendices and that one of these has a further seventeen appendices.

  1. Older People's Independent Living Services (OPILs), Bath & North East Somerset model
  2. The Independent Living Service (ILS) evaluation, Cornwall model

Extra Care - The Financial Benefits

Extra Care - Private sector models of developing with little or no subsidy

Extra Care - A model integrated care and support contract

Extra Care - Pathways and Allocations - there are five appendices to this toolkit

An Assessment Task List

An Integrated Framework

A Light Touch Audit Tool