The Housing and Ageing Alliance is united in its response

The Housing and Ageing Alliance (HAA) submitted its response to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce (OPHT) call for evidence today, and makes a series of recommendations to improve the housing and living conditions of older people.
The HAA calls for the creation of a national older people’s housing strategy, better accessibility standards, more support for home adaptation, and strengthened planning guidance to increase the supply of specialist housing for older people.
Mario Ambrosi, Director of Communications at Anchor and Chair of the HAA, said:
The taskforce provides a unique opportunity to address the housing needs of our ageing society. We are grateful for the opportunity to respond and engage with the taskforce. The pressures of demographic change mean it has never been more important take action and improve housing and living conditions for older people.”
Hosted on the Housing LIN’s website, the HAA’s full response and recommendations to the OPHTTF, along with the Alliance’s newly approved Terms of Reference, can be accessed from the links below.