APPG Inquiry: Housing for those living with Dementia

APPG Housing and Care for Older People

There are currently around 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. This is projected to rise to 1.6 million by 2040. Two thirds of these are not living in residential care but in their own accommodation, and our study will consider the policies and practices that can enhance independence and quality of life. 

For 2020, the Officers of the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People decided to establish an Inquiry on “Housing for those living with Dementia”.

Launched on 13 May 2020, there were four Inquiry sessions over the course of last year. At each session, expert ‘witnesses’ presented on a range of topics that covered dementia-friendly design/development of new homes, changes and adaptations to existing properties, ongoing input of care and support, including consideration of innovations in technological support. The resultant Inquiry report, Housing for people with dementia – are we ready? was launched on 17 February and:

  • makes strategic policy and investment recommendations to central and local government and other key players on dementia-readiness
  • provides practical guidance and stimulates interest for housing providers with an interest in older people to urgently become dementia-ready
  • reframes the 10 original HAPPI design principles so that they are now dementia-proofed
  • states that, in their plans, local authorities should also take account of and act on the demand and need for housing for people living with dementia among BAME and LGBT communities in their locality, and
  • recommends practitioners sign up to a dedicated learning and information network to receive and share best practice on housing and dementia.

More details

Final Inquiry report

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People has published its Inquiry report, ‘Housing for people with dementia – are we ready?’.

Jointly written by the Housing LIN's co-dementia lead, Katey Twyford, and the Housing LIN’s CEO Jeremy Porteus, Secretariat to the Inquiry. The report pulls together the evidence presented to the Inquiry's expert Panel, the research and analysis undertaken to understand the housing implications of people living with dementia and makes over 40 key policy and practice recommendations for making dementia-readiness happen.

The 9 month Inquiry, sponsored by the Anchor Hanover Group, held 4 virtual Inquiry Sessions between May and December 2020 due to the pandemic, interviewed 14 "witnesses" including people with dementia, carers organisations and those working in the NHS, designing or providing housing and/or commissioning adult social care services. It also received a selection of written submissions from academics, trade and professional bodies and provider organisations to help Panel members build a picture of the lived experiences of people with dementia and the impact of their housing circumstances pre-Covid and during lockdown.

The Inquiry report makes a number of important findings for future improvements to the way we design in dementia into new housing, retrofit our existing stock and make best use of technology, aids and equipment. It also includes useful infographic and updates the original 10 HAPPI design principles to ensure that they are dementia-friendly.


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Watch the recording of the launch

Wendy Mitchell's address:

Click here to download the slides

Terms of Reference

The Inquiry explored housing with dementia from the premise that key elements help individuals with dementia to live as well as they can in a range of housing types, including housing with care schemes. They also seeked evidence to ensure housing policy reflects the needs of the rapidly rising number of people affected by dementia*. 

As set out in the APPG’s terms of reference, the Inquiry seeked evidence on:

  • the links between housing, health and social care to improve the journey of people affected by dementia;
  • the design of new homes;
  • ways to increase supply of specialist dementia-friendly properties;
  • changes and adaptations to existing properties to enable people to live well with dementia at home; and
  • the role of innovative technology to improve the delivery of better care and support.

*The term ‘people affected by dementia’ has been adopted to include both individuals living with dementia and their partners, carers or other family members that live with them.

Inquiry membership

A number of parliamentarians participated in the Inquiry:

  • Peter Aldous MP (co-Chair)
  • Baroness Andrews
  • Baroness Barker
  • Lord Best (co-Chair)
  • Ruth Cadbury MP
  • Damian Green MP
  • Lord Stoneham

The APPG was also supported by a panel of specialists:

  • Jane Ashcroft CBE, Chief Executive, Anchor Hanover
  • Professor Dawn Brooker, Director of the University of Worcester, Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
  • Kate Lee, Chief Executive, Alzheimer’s Society
  • Bruce Moore, Chief Executive, Housing 21
  • Sarah Pickup, Deputy Chief Executive , Local Government Association
  • Damian Utton, Architect, Pozzoni architecture

Inquiry secretariat

Jeremy Porteus, CEO of the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN), acted as Secretary and Co-ordinator for the Inquiry supported by Katey Twyford, the Housing LIN’s dementia co-lead and Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer.


This APPG is grateful to Anchor Hanover (opens new window) for their £12k sponsorship of this Inquiry.


Because of the pandemic, the Inquiry sessions were held virtually. These have now concluded and the Inquiry Report was launched by the APPG virtually on 17 February 2021, hosted by the Housing LIN.

Further information about the launch can be found on this event's page.


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Press Release

For enquiries relating to the press release, contact Anchor Hanover’s Communications Team:

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