North East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Walker

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


We are delighted to be joined by Professor Rose Gilroy, Professor of Ageing, Policy & Planning at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University who is leading the region’s Future Homes project.

The Future Homes project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, material, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage.

As part of the project Rose is engaging in conversations with a wide range of professionals, citizens and communities about their ideas for future housing to ensure the project can be as informed by many different minds and experiences.

Excitingly, the project has development finance to proceed meaning there is a real opportunity for any future solutions to be tested, refined and scaled up within Newcastle; offering a real alternative to the current housing offer available to older households.

In addition, to the workshop on Future Homes, there will be an opportunity to hear from Jeremy Porteus, Director of the Housing LIN on the national perspective, learn more about our future plans for the regional network as well as have a tour of the new development and an opportunity to pose questions to those involved.


  • 09.45 Arrivals and coffee
  • 10.00 Welcome - Dawn Keightley, North East Housing LIN Regional Chair and Philippa Hughes, North East Regional Ambassador
  • 10.10 Housing LIN national update - Jeremy Porteus, Founder and Director, Housing LIN
  • 10.30 The Future Home Workshop - Prof Rose Gilroy, Professor of Ageing, Planning and Policy, Newcastle Univeristy and Ian Crow, Architectural Director, Ryder’s Architects
  • 13.15 Tour of Tree Tops Retirement Village
  • 13.45 Question and answer panel - Mark Massey, Senior Partner/Architect, IDP architects and Lynn Waters, Regeneration Liaison Manager, Your Homes Newcastle
  • 14.15 News Update from Housing LIN members
  • 14.30 Future North East Housing LIN events


Priority is given to those within the North East Region.

Booking terms

Important notice: this event provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the Housing LIN's incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this event is £150 plus VAT per head.

This event is supported by

  • Your Homes Newcastle