TAPPI Phase 2 - Q&A with Platform Housing Group

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Six months after their recruitment as one of the six TAPPI testbeds, Platform Housing Group gives us an update on their project in this short Q&A.

What initial challenges are you facing and how are they / will they be addressed?

Challenging misconceptions of what technology means. It’s a word that evokes fear in many Harling Court residents, because they associate it with complicated computers and software. Individual TEC assessments and continued engagement grant us the opportunity to explain technology can be as simple as motion-activated lights in their hallway and are surprised when reminded their pendant is a TEC device. By building confidence with on-going support, we hope to alleviate this fear. Affordability is a barrier: the cost of broadband concerns many. We intend to overcome this by utilising Ofcom social tariffs and encouraging use of free Wi-Fi in communal areas.

What specific technologies or solutions are you testing, and what outcomes do you hope to achieve?

Harling Court needed to update its analogue call alarm system ready for Digital Switchover. This gave opportunity to pilot a digital system, Appello SLS, designed to meet Platform’s commitments to residents. Reactions are mixed: some embrace new features by video-calling neighbours, with others reluctant to use even basic functions. With mentoring we hope to change this. TAPPI is enabling each resident access to a tablet, allowing remote use of Appello, enhancing independence and social connections. Individual TEC assessments have been completed, identifying tipper kettles, falls detectors, occupancy mats, DDA-compliant beacons, GPS trackers, and more to increase safety. We understand equipment is useless without training, therefore coaching programmes are planned.  

Have you been able to test any of the 10 principles developed during the first phase of TAPPI? Which ones and what results are you seeing?

(opens new window)Our TAPPI Champions, with 316 years of life-experience between them, are driving the crucial co-produced element. Individual assessments undertaken with our TEC partner have allowed choice-led recommendations to be made, with solutions being person-centred as a result. We’re adaptable: the needs of the resident change daily therefore solutions will be flexible, too. We’re learning the importance of being quality-focussed and aren’t afraid to confront shortcomings if standards are not met. Being cost-effective is a challenge put to us by our residents: they are ambassadors for sustaining access to technology beyond phase 2 of TAPPI. We intend to create a TEC Hub in the Lounge, inclusive of residents, families, and visitors.

What initial feedback have you had from tenants and staff as you begin implementation of the project?

Overall responses to the project and its intended outcomes are positive, with excitement amongst residents who see this as an opportunity to improve their safety, independence, and better understand how technology can support them. However, there are those at Harling Court who have very little interest in embracing TEC. We respect this and will seize the opportunity to learn why they feel this way and investigate the perceived barriers preventing the use of technology. We hope that as the project progresses, we can diminish these barriers or remove them altogether- all part of the learning and opportunity presented by this second phase of TAPPI.

Daniel Rock, TAPPI TEC Project Officer, Platform Housing Group