Housing to 2040

Cove Housing to 2040

The Scottish Government has set out what it wants housing and communities to look and feel like for the people of Scotland, including key measures for older people and people with disabilities.

The report recognises that there are a considerable number of people whose needs are not being met and who are not able to choose a home or way of living that meets their needs. Drawing on an Equalities and Human Rights Commission report (2018) on housing issues affecting disabled people it notes that:

  • 61,000 people need adaptations to their home:
  • Approximately 1% of housing is fully accessible for wheelchair users;
  • 10,000 disabled Scots are on housing waiting lists and.
  • By 2040, it is projected that there will be over 730,000 people in Scotland aged 75 or over

While the main emphasis is to deliver 100,000 more affordable homes by 2032, there are a range of actions including:

  • new building standards (Accessible Housing Standard) to create a single set of quality and accessibility standards for all tenures;
  • decarbonising heating in all homes in line with Scotland’s climate ambitions, ensuring this is done in a fair and just way, including by adapting and retrofitting existing homes;
  • reviewing guidance on housing for varying needs; and
  • promoting independent living and increasing the supply of accessible and adaptable homes.

Jill Pritchard, Housing Occupational Therapist, Vice Chair of Horizon Housing Association and the Housing LIN Scotland chair, commented:

We welcome the publication of the Housing to 2040 Vision for Scotland and are excited to see the commitment to put accessibility, choice, community & place, and health & well-being at the centre of policy going forward. We look forward to working with the Scottish Government and our wide range of health, housing, social care and 3rd sector partners to turn this vision into reality for the people of Scotland.

To access a variety of other policy documents, latest research and examples of practice from Scotland on housing for an ageing population, visit our dedicated Housing LIN Scotland webpages.