A Connected Scotland

A Connected Scotland Cover

Social isolation and loneliness can affect anyone – at all ages and stages of life. As our society changes, there is increasing recognition of social isolation and loneliness as major public health issues that can have a significant impact on a person's physical and mental wellbeing.

Getting support into local communities can make a difference. Previous social isolation and loneliness funding demonstrated that grassroots initiatives, run by organisations firmly rooted within communities, can have a hugely positive impact on people who are socially isolated, or experience regular feelings of loneliness.

A Connected Scotland is the Scottish Government's national strategy for tackling social isolation and loneliness and building social connections. It defines what we mean when we talk about social isolation and loneliness; sets out key priorities in seeking to tackle social isolation and loneliness; and lays out a clear roadmap for implementing the strategy in a cross-cutting and collaborative way.