“What? That’s for Old People, that.” Home Adaptations, Ageing and Stigmatisation: A Qualitative Inquiry

What that's for old people that cover

This article in the International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Health by Northumbria University in partnership with Newcastle University and the Newcastle older persons’ forum draws on a Centre for Ageing Better commission.

It highlights how older people, even those living with long-term conditions or poor mobility, can be supported to live well at home, through adapting their home to meet changing need. Installing home adaptations. From grab rails to walk in shower rooms, is cost effective, may prevent falls, reduce social isolation and improve self confidence.

However, not much is known about older people’s experiences and understanding of acquiring and living with home adaptations and uptake of home adaptations could be improved. Using wearable camera and face to face interview data, this qualitative study explored a diverse group of older people’s retrospective experiences. Focus group discussions were also carried out with a wide range of professionals involved in the provision of home adaptations. Findings suggest people may delay having adaptations, because of perceived stigmatising associations with decline and vulnerability. As delaying the installation of home adaptations until crisis point is known to reduce their effectiveness, such associations need to be challenged.

You can also find the original Centre for Ageing Better report and an accompanying Housing LIN case study report below: