Making Wales the best place in the world to grow older Strategy 2019-22
Wales is an ageing society, with 877,000 people aged over 60 in Wales, just under 30% of the population.
This is set to increase to over 1 million by 2030, and the number of people over the age of 85 is expected to grow significantly in the years ahead, more than doubling by 2040.
In this document the Older People's Commissioner for Wales sets out the following priorites:
- Seek to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable, those who are least heard, and those who are at risk.
- Be capable of producing positive outcomes for all older people.
- Assist older people in ageing well, recognising the contribution that older people can and do make to our society.
- Respond to the issues that we hear from older people and/or are evidenced in research.
- Recognise and respond to the diversity of the older population, and the inequalities within it.