Greater Manchester Age-Friendly Strategy 2024-2034

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority have published their 10year age-friendly strategy setting out the ambitions for addressing the diverse needs of Manchester’s ageing population, in particular, creating ‘Good Lives for All’ – “that Greater Manchester is a great place to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study”.
Developed in partnership with the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub (and drawing on their recent State of Ageing report (opens new window)), the report has been coproduced and outlines what is needed over the next decade to become age-friendly, improving the experience of mid and later life in Greater Manchester and reducing inequalities in the city-region, which tend to widen as citizens age.
From a housing perspective and putting the spotlight on digital inclusion, it recommends a selection of strategic and operational tasks:
- Creating more age-friendly homes in the development of new homes, as we retrofit older homes and improve awareness of the housing options available to people as they age
- Helping people to stay safe in their own homes by reducing deaths and injuries due to home fires
- Adopting tools and frameworks for increasing the age friendliness of our housing stock, including the Framework for Creating Age-friendly Homes in Greater Manchester and Creating Age-Friendly Developments (opens new window)
- Closing the digital divide experienced by older people, securing and promoting digital support offers to older residents, including around data, devices and skills, and making the case for offline alternatives where practical
- Supporting industry and Greater Manchester partners to most effectively manage the Public Switched Telephone Network transition from analogue to digital for older residents
Commenting on the launch, the Housing LIN’s Jeremy Porteus stated:
“We are proud to be an active member of the Greater Manchester Housing, Planning and Ageing Group and to have also worked closely with partners across the health and care partnership to produce an extra care housing resource pack. I am delighted that the strategy recognises the need for a greater range of affordable age-friendly housing choices for its ageing population; from specialist housing to improving the existing housing stock.”