
There is a specific action relating to personalisation and rough sleepers:

  • Action 9 - Promoting more personalised services including testing individual budgets to increase the control people have over the services they need

    The strategy proposes to drive a more personalised approach to tackling rough
    sleeping. It recognises that people at risk of sleeping rough or on the streets have diverse needs and different solutions will work. It also reflects the government's wider agenda across social care where people in receipt of services are expecting, and being given, much greater choice and control over the services they use.

    This approach could be effective for some marginalised groups including the small
    numbers of people who have slept rough for many years and have, up to now, been unwilling to accept the help on offer.

    Given that, the strategy looks at seeing how approaches such as self-directed support might make a difference, and drawing on expertise from organisations such as In Control and lessons from the Individual Budget pilots under the government's Supporting People programme.

It is early days for this client group and personalisation. There are a number of pilots being set up and funded by CLG and providers, commissioners and homelessness agencies are starting to look at how they can develop personalisation. This section will pull together the resources produced.