What is Telecare? Ultimate Guide to Telecare


We're pleased to collaborate with Appello to bring you this Ultimate Guide to Telecare, an introduction to the fundamentals of telecare, with information on how housing providers can maximise their care and support offer so people can enjoy a greater quality of life.

The guide (the first of 4 being jointly released) is aimed at housing providers and other organisations who want to deliver telecare services that enrich the lives of older people, while ensuring you make the most of your investment in the technology.

Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive at Housing LIN said:

“Technology is advancing at pace, with digital innovations rapidly transforming the way health and care is provided in the home and home-like environments. Supported housing providers must ensure the accommodation they manage or plan to build is digitally enabled so residents are not excluded from any services, equipment or products that require internet connectivity.

From telecare to smart speakers, and from Wi-Fi-assistive technology to smart metering, the housing sector urgently needs to switch on to becoming ‘digi-ready’ or risk preventing residents being able to fully access all the online choices that can support their independent living.

This Ultimate Guide to Telecare is an introduction to the fundamentals of telecare, with information on how housing providers can maximise their care and support offer so people can enjoy a greater quality of life.”