Learning Disability England officially launches a new accessible housing guide

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Learning Disability England has launched a new accessible housing guide to help people with a learning disability and their families to think about where they want to live.

The guide can also help people to learn about their rights and choices. It can be used together with the support of family, friends, social workers or advisers, and it will be most useful to people who get paid support via the council.

There are plenty of links to useful, clear resources from other organisations too. Some things covered in the guide are:

  • Making your own housing plan
  • Different housing options
  • Paying for your home
  • What can help you move out

This guide has been developed as part of a project funded by NHS England and in collaboration with Housing LIN.

Ian Copeman, Housing LIN's Business Director said:

We are delighted to have worked with Learning Disability England to help develop this housing guide. We’re aware that there is a substantial unmet need for practical information and advice about different housing options that are accessible to people with learning disabilities and their carers/supporters.

At Housing LIN, we're committed to promoting inclusive and innovative housing solutions. Our involvement in the Housing Guide reflects our dedication to equipping communities with the knowledge and resources necessary to help people plan for what kind of housing is right for them.