Housing LIN publishes new Inspirational Achievement

United Welsh Connect IA

Our newest Inspirational Achievement looks at the Connect project from United Welsh (opens new window).

United Welsh Group is an award-winning housing association based in South Wales providing a range of accommodation including general needs, supported housing and Extra Care.

Connect is a two-year project funded by Comic Relief designed to help tenants build more capacity for individual purpose, promote meaningful relationships and encourage them to become active in their communities to help reduce feelings of isolation.

United Welsh are a founding sponsor of Housing LIN Cymru.

Inspirational Achievements

Our ‘Inspirational Achievements’ page is where we focus on one of our partners.

Only available to sponsors of the Housing LIN, the purpose is to share their achievements and inspire adaptive learning and improvement with our members.

You can follow our Inspirational Achievements on Twitter by using the hashtag #InspirationalAchievements (opens new window)