An A-Z of Intergenerational / cohousing developments

Ealert A-Z Intergenerational Marmalade Lane

During the pandemic, we have seen a growing interest in intergenerational living and other forms of locally led housing initiatives, such as cohousing, as a means to foster greater community connectedness or networked support. And, as reported in the recent report by InCommon for Clarion Futures, Sustaining intergenerational communities at a time of crisis, Covid-19 has been a catalyst for reimagining how we facilitate intergenerational connectedness and different forms of collaborative living arrangements, something that the Housing LIN has captured in the term, ‘CollaborAGE’.

We are also proud to be a founding member of the Intergenerational Housing Network (opens new window). But, on a lighter note, we have created this A to Z of intergenerational housing and community-led housing projects, such as cohousing developments, where one of the words in the scheme name begins with a letter of the alphabet. The list is not exhaustive and is purely meant as a bit of light-hearted fun in these challenging times. We welcome your suggestions, especially any development, scheme or project that starts with the letter Z!