Ageing Better have launched a new co-production toolkit

Stronger Together A Co-Production Toolkit for Ageing Better Cover

The voices of older people have been involved within every aspects of the Ageing Better Programme. From setting up, dissemination, design and delivery, through to the evaluation of services, projects and activities for people aged 50 and over, it is clear that co-production has been at the very heard of the programme. 

That's why Ageing Better have lanched the Stronger Together toolkit co-created by the 14 national Ageing Better programmes across England. The toolkit sets the scene, linking to hundreds of stories, tools and resources. 

This toolkit is for anyone looking to use a co-production approach to involve people in the design of services, projects or activities that impact them and their communities.

If you have any questions, would like to be connected with any of the contributors, or would like to find out how to host Stronger Together on your website, contact: