HAPPI Hour - Housing – Still Rising to the Dementia Challenge

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The views shared in this webinar do not necessarily reflect the views of the Housing LIN.

You can download the chat report here (opens new window).


  • A great overview of Dementia Friendly housing ideas, as relates to planning, care homes, community activists, third sector, individuals and more.
  • Really useful and practical ideas and considerations - person centred too which is the most important aspect.
  • Most informative and taking steps to unify information from a single access point. Great speakers, many perspectives, thank you.


We dedicate this webinar to the late, great, writer and activist Wendy Mitchell. Diagnosed with dementia and spending years documenting her experience, we will be forever in her debt as she won hearts and minds by advocating for living positively with dementia. Read more: How I made my home dementia-friendly (opens new window) 

This webinar addresses a range of topics, providing easy and actionable guidance to help organisations gather insights and implement them effectively. It emphasises the importance of making small changes that can make a real difference, rather than significant capital investments.


15:30 – Zoom format
Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Communications and Membership Officer, Host, Housing LIN ~ @HLINcomms (opens new window)

15.32 – Chair’s opening comments
Pam Mastrantonio, Managing Director of Retirement Living, Housing 21 - @Housing21 (opens new window)

15.35 – Interior / external design

  • Dementia Ready Criteria for housing developers in West Yorkshire
    Joanne Gardner, Policy Coordinator, West Yorkshire Combined Authority - @WestYorkshireCA (opens new window)
  • HDWG Design Guide
    Andrew White, Head of Independent Living, Irwell Valley Homes - @irwellvalley (opens new window)
  • Enabling toilet design for people with dementia
    Mary Marshall, Professor Emeritus, University of Stirling - @StirUni (opens new window)
  • Dementia friendly gardens: taking a fresh look at your outside space
    Debbie Carroll, Director, Step Change Design - @stepchgdesign (opens new window)
  • Bespoke dementia friendly environmental assessment tools
    Sarah Waller CBE Associate Specialist and Jennifer Bray Research Assistant, at the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester - @worcester_uni (opens new window)

16.30 –  Older People's Housing Taskforce
Jeremy Porteus, CEO at Housing LIN  ~ @HousingLIN (opens new window)

16.40 – DHWG Update
Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes, DHWG Chair and Head of Strategic Operations at Housing 21 - @Housing21 (opens new window)

16.50 –  DHWG Dementia Hub
Wendy Wells, Head of Agency Managed, Policy and Business Implementation, The Guinness Partnership - @YourGuinness (opens new window)

17.00 – Questions and panel debate

17.15 – Event close
Jeremy Porteus, CEO at Housing LIN  ~ @HousingLIN (opens new window)

Please see the speaker biographies at the bottom of this page. 

About DHWG

DHWG (opens new window) aims to promote and influence the contribution of the housing sector in improving the health, wellbeing and quality of life for people living with dementia. As the only national group focused on housing and dementia, we are not a talking shop. The DHWG brings together a wide range of volunteer stakeholders with an action-oriented ethos and a track record of producing tangible outcomes.


At our popular events, you will:

  • Watch and discover new extra care housing developments to find out about the design, development and operational management arrangements so that you can explore solutions that can transform your ‘offer’;
  • Listen to the latest practice, research, new funding initiatives, innovative products or projects so that you have the insight and intelligence required to improve your service delivery; and
  • Learn about the current sector issues so that you are up-to-date and better positioned to respond to the latest policy and innovative operational developments.

Join our HAPPI Hours to network with us and to test out your ideas or share your experiences with industry experts and fellow Housing LIN members in a relaxed atmosphere.

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