HAPPI Hour - Ageing well: Creating Healthy Homes and Sustainable Healthier Neighbourhoods

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The views shared in this webinar do not necessarily reflect the views of the Housing LIN.

You can download the chat report here (opens new window).


  • An interesting overview on how housing actors are dealing with the provision of safe, affordable and healthy housing that allows maximum community engagement.
  • Excellent range of thought-provoking, short presentations across research, policy and practice.
  • An interesting set of presentations, with a focus both on the impact of individual developments and their position in the wider community.
  • Great session with some really interesting facts.


This webinar shines a spotlight on healthy ageing space and placemaking. It shares the latest insights, good practice and research on creating more socially resilient age-friendly communities and looks at how wider physical infrastructure can achieve more inclusive and sustainable communities.

You will also hear from architects from P+HS showcasing their award-winning specialist housing designs, alongside speakers from the University of Bath, Surrey County Council and the Almshouse Resilient Communities (ARC) for the Future project.


16:00 – Zoom format
Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Communications and Membership Officer, Host, Housing LIN ~ @HLINcomms (opens new window)

16:05 – Chair’s opening comments 
Jeremy Porteus, CEO of Housing LIN ~ @Housing LIN (opens new window)

16:10 – Research in Health and Housing
Faye Sanders, Doctoral Researcher, University of Bath ~ @sandersfaye_ (opens new window)~ @uniofbathnews (opens new window)

16:20 – Findings and learnings from the 'Planning for Surrey's Ageing Population' webinar
Cllr Sinead Mooney, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care ~ @SineadCMooney (opens new window) ~ @SurreyNews (opens new window)

16:30 – Care support and community health projects
Katie Shepherd, Associate Director, Residential Lead, Architect, P+HS ~ @PandHSArch (opens new window)

16:40 – Almshouse Resilient Communities (ARC) for the Future and their new Knowledge Hub
Dr Alison Pooley, Co-Investigator for ARC for the Future, University of Suffolk ~ @alison_pooley (opens new window) ~ @uniofsuffolk (opens new window)

16.50 – Questions and panel debate

17.00 – Event close
Jeremy Porteus, CEO of Housing LIN ~ @Housing LIN (opens new window)


At our popular events, you will:

  • Watch and discover new extra care housing developments to find out about the design, development and operational management arrangements so that you can explore solutions that can transform your ‘offer’;
  • Listen to the latest practice, research, new funding initiatives, innovative products or projects so that you have the insight and intelligence required to improve your service delivery; and
  • Learn about the current sector issues so that you are up-to-date and better positioned to respond to the latest policy and innovative operational developments.

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