Housing seen as key in delivering sustainable Health & Social Care Services

A National Memorandum of Understanding

Cover Health Housing MoU 2018

Government Departments and organisations from across the Health, Social Care, and Housing systems have come together to recognise the key role of housing and reaffirm their commitment to work together. 

Published today, the Department of Health and Social Care and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government join the LGA, ADASS, NHS England and more than 20 other national housing, health and care organisations and policy makers in urging organisations to work together to ensure homes that work for all are part of the solution to the challenges facing our health and care system.

Improved Health and Care Through the Home: a renewed Memorandum of Understanding, sets out why organisations urgently need to work better together. It reflects on the success of previous cross sector commitments which have led to housing solutions being at the centre of improving health and supporting acute health and care services meet growing demands.

Signed by the Housing LIN, the #HealthHousingMoU commits all the signatories to build on previous successes to ensure that more joint working across housing, care and health services can impact positively on the experience of a greater number of people needing and using health and care services.

Further details about the MoU can also be found on Public Health England's MoU page, linked below.


And if you found this of interest, check out the Housing LIN case study on the work undertaken by Nottingham City Council in 'A shared understanding: Localising the integration of housing and health in Nottingham through a Memorandum of Understanding'.

And finally, as part of our commitment to the MoU and following our call for examples of practice, we are working with Foundations on an interactive map that highlights the incidence of Delayed Transfer of Care by local NHS area and will also include good practice examples you have supplied along with others we have collated. Watch out for further notifications of the new 'map' in the coming weeks.