TAPPI Phase 2 - Q&A with Bield Housing & Care

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Six months after their recruitment as one of the six TAPPI testbeds, Bield Housing & Care gives us an update on their project in this short Q&A.

What initial challenges are you facing and how are they / will they be addressed?

We initially struggled to make progress as we didn’t have a dedicated project lead. Now we have a Programme Manager and project support in place, things are progressing well.

We faced some delays with our testbed site out of our control regarding Wi-Fi and hot water. These issues have now been resolved and we are on track to open at the end of March.

The technology for our proactive telecare trial doesn’t have the capability to be used in a property with multiple occupants. We will be speaking to the provider to see if this is something they can address.

What specific technologies or solutions are you testing, and what outcomes do you hope to achieve?

For our proactive telecare trial, we will be using the Anthropos platform. We hope to demonstrate that, by utilising proactive telecare, we can alleviate pressures on local health and social care services and empower people to live independently in their homes, in the way they want, for longer.

Our testbed site will showcase a variety of technologies to support people to live safely and independently. In future, this will give us a better understanding of the type of tech individuals would require to be installed in their homes to help them live their best lives. 

Have you been able to test any of the 10 principles developed during the first phase of TAPPI? Which ones and what results are you seeing?

(opens new window)We have tried to incorporate all the principles in our work to date however, as we are not yet at the launch phase, we don’t have any tangible results.

We have been holding monthly TAPPI coffee mornings with residents at our test site in West Port in order to make the project as inclusive, co-produced and person-centred as possible. Attendance at these continues to grow each month.

By utilising co-production with tenants, we selected project partner Anthropos as their platform is interoperable and the technology they provide will integrate with our systems to meet individuals’ varying needs.

What initial feedback have you had from tenants and staff as you begin implementation of the project?

Feedback from tenants has been hesitantly positive! Initially they were a bit apprehensive about the introduction of technology but, once they were made aware of the benefits and what Bield are trying to achieve, they have been more engaged as they see the value in the project.

We are aware that more work has to be done to engage our staff but most feel positively about it when they are made aware of it. Over the coming weeks we will be focusing on ways to involve and engage more with staff, including the possibility of visits to the testbed site.

Gary Baillie, TAPPI Programme & BR24 Service Manager, Bield Housing & Care