Survey report 1000 UK households: Do the British want to live in IRCs?

Do the British Want to Live In Integrated Retirement Communities cover

This research, published by ProMatura Europe, looks at the general population not resident in an Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) and their likelihood of moving into one of them.

ProMatura has previously conducted research (opens new window) of people seriously considering a move into an IRC as well as current residents of IRC’s.

Over 38 years and now in 6 continents, ProMatura has identified the single biggest and consistent reason IRC’s fail: not understanding (early enough) what potential residents want (all aspects) and what they will actually pay for it.

Their goals in this new study were to learn:

  • Proportion of households who would consider moving to an IRC
  • Demographic, economic, and psychographic profiles of potential residents
  • Estimated timeframe to move to an IRC

This report gives a generalised view of the state of the UK market.