TAPPI Phase 2 - Introducing London Borough of Haringey

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Haringey Council serves over a quarter of a million people living and working in this North London borough. The council’s activities are varied and diverse, but current priorities include:

  • Housing – working for safe, stable and affordable homes for everyone, whatever their circumstances
  • People - building a Haringey where strong families, strong networks and strong communities nurture all residents to live well and achieve their potential
  • Place - building strong and connected communities where people can lead active and healthy lives in an environment that is safe, clean and green.
  • Economy – enabling a growing economy that provides opportunities for all our residents and supports our businesses to thrive.

Local democracy is one of the key foundations of British society. We work with our communities by providing opportunities, support and services to them as they live and work in the borough.

Why do you want to be a part of TAPPI? What impact do you hope to have?

Providing safe, stable, and affordable housing and helping people live independently and safely in their homes for as long as possible are two of the Councils key priorities. Specifically, Haringey’s Ageing Well Strategy seeks to consider the life journey of residents from ageing well and independently in the community through to dying well in the place of an individual’s choice.

We see Assistive Technology (AT) playing a critical role in how our local system can support residents to remain as independent as possible improving outcomes and life experiences for individuals and recognise that our Housing Strategy and Assistive Technology (AT) together play key roles in this If we are to maximise the opportunities and benefits, we need an integrated approach of these two critical areas.

We were keen to be part of the TAPPI programme to take advantage of the expertise and learning to help build this approach, building on our work to date for our established AT programme.

If we can see how people’s needs change throughout their lives we can develop options to support them on that journey by better understanding the AT opportunities and challenges. Ultimately to inform the next stage of the programme development, that we hope will help make a real difference to people’s lives. 

What are you most looking forward to over the next 12 - 15 months, as one of the six TAPPI2 locality testbeds?

There is so much we are looking forward to as part of the TAPP2I testbed project, from the learning, the expert support to the product testing and identification, but if were to pick one aspect then this would be the coproduction approach. Working with our residents, their families, and partners to really understand what the opportunities are and what will make a real difference for individuals in their own homes and working together to make that happen. 

Caroline Humphrey, Transformation Project lead. London Borough of Haringey