TAPPI Phase 2 - Introducing Wiltshire Council

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Wiltshire Council is a unitary authority providing local government services to half a million residents. It is the biggest employer in Wiltshire responsible for schools, social services, rubbish collection and disposal, county roads, planning, and leisure services. The county is predominantly rural with more than half of the population living in towns and villages with fewer than 10,000 residents.

The council’s mission is to ensure the people of Wiltshire are empowered to live full, healthy and enriched lives; communities continue to be beautiful and exciting places to live; the local economy thrives and is supported by a skilled workforce and Wiltshire leads the way in how councils and counties mitigate the climate challenges ahead. 

Why do you want to be a part of TAPPI?

Wiltshire Council and the wider partnership will learn from this pilot to ensure all future development of new or retrofitted buildings will utilise Technology Enabled Care (TEC) to best support older people’s wellbeing and independence. 

The pilot will form proof of concept with practical outcomes for real service users. Credibility of TEC solutions and buy in from operational staff, residents to evidence TEC opportunities and transferability to a domestic and supported housing environment.  

What impact do you hope to have?

We hope the pilot will result in cost-efficient care at the right time, increased independence and well-being for residents, control of self-care and improved confidence as well as staff to have more time on essential care and quality time with residents.

What are you most looking forward to over the next 12 - 15 months, as one of the six TAPPI2 locality testbeds?

Working together with key stakeholders and service users to ensure residents will have greater independence, choice, safety, and social engagement through the benefit of bespoke technology solutions, training, and greater awareness of how TEC can improve their lives.  It also hopes to overcome challenges of making retrofitting of supported living homes transportable as ‘plug and play’ kits into independent domestic dwellings once the full TEC solution is identified as for purpose.

Lindsey Millen, Technology Enabled Care Advisor, Adult Social Care Commissioning, Wiltshire Council