Using design to innovate more effectively in the healthy ageing sector

Using design to innovate more effectively in the healthy ageing sector cover

The design growth programme was delivered in partnership between the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge Community of Practice and design industry leaders, Creative Venue. Between June and September 2021, a programme of activity was rolled out to increase the understanding of design amongst solution providers in the healthy ageing market.

The programme of events drew on experiences and expertise from leaders in the design industry, investors, and innovators who showcased the impact of effective design. It explored perception, use and value of design in the healthy ageing market.

This report describes the key insights and learnings from the programme. It aims to enable members of the Healthy Ageing Challenge Community of Practice and individuals and organisations in the sector to benefit from the rich lessons in design this programme delivered and use design strategically in their work as a result.

Creative Venue’s work with entrepreneurs and Design Age Accelerator surveys has demonstrated there are three key factors around design that entrepreneurs find particularly challenging:

  • How design is perceived
  • How design is used
  • How design is valued

The programme addressed these three key factors head on and this report investigates each subject.

The report says that despite the increasing awareness of the strategic role design can play, most enterprises are still engaging with design at its most basic level. While aware of its potential, most ventures are unaware how to leverage strategic design thinking to accelerate growth.