Creating world class housing for an ageing population

This paper follows a roundtable discussion back in May 2020 in which the Housing LIN’s Ian Copeman took part. Hosted by Paddock Johnson Partnership, they invited a number of specialists in the field to openly share their thoughts on what is and isn’t working with the current models for older people’s accommodation and how things might change in light of the current pandemic.

The paper highlights how sometimes a disruptor is needed to transform opinion, change attitudes, and for society to truly embrace innovation. It recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic been such a disruptor needed to change the way we look at housing our ageing population? Participants explored why a one size fits all approach doesn’t work and why there is a drastic need for more choice.  They drew on lessons learned from our European neighbours’ innovation and also approaches to widen housing choice and the deployment of technology to support UK’s increasingly aging population.