A Public Vision for the Home of 2030

This report by the Design Council on behalf of Homes of 2030 provides the results of a wide-reaching public engagement exercise designed to understand and provide new insight into what people need from their homes.

In setting out a vision and principles for successful homes of the future, it focusses on 20 key principles based on the findings from local workshops and polling among a nationally representative sample of adults in England.

The principles are divided into six main themes which reflect participants’ key priorities and concerns, as follows:

  1. Being fit for purpose
  2. Giving people agency
  3. Addressing the climate crisis
  4. Connecting people and their communities
  5. Meeting the needs of every life stage
  6. Representing something different

The responses of particular groups – for instance younger (aged 18-34) compared to older adults (55+), those with and without caring responsibilities, and those living in urban compared to rural areas – were also analysed and the findings set out separately in the report.

It found that adults over 55 are more likely than their younger counterparts aged 18-34 and 35-54 to show a preference for a home that gets the basics right, with a comfortable internal environment. They are looking for an ‘easy-to use/easy-to-fix’ home where everything works and which they can easily maintain without assistance. Social contact is important, allowing for regular contact with neighbours and travel options to help them get around easily. They are more likely to want to stay in their own home, so long as their home is improved and adapted to meet their changing needs and that of climate change.