Well-being and age in co-housing life: Thinking with and beyond design

Cover Viewpoint 89

This Housing LIN viewpoint no 89 considers how spatial design, resident control and home technologies matter to ‘successful ageing’ in the increasingly popular co-housing communities - both intergenerational and senior.

Based on the authors’ long-term research into these schemes, including the OWCH scheme in High Barnet (see Housing LIN case study no 139 (opens new window)), as well as on an interactive learning day that focused on the health and ageing dimensions of co-housing, they argue that the physical and mental well-being of older populations in the UK could be enhanced through this model’s social and material practices.

They also point out that further research is still needed and lacking to determine its true potential for combatting loneliness, increasing social and physical resilience and improving older residents’ health.