Wakefield Housing Support Evaluation (WHoSE): Main Project Report
This report on Wakefield and District Housing Association’s Housing Support Coordinator (HSC) evaluates their service in Fieldhead with South West Yorkshire Hospital Trust (a mental health hospital) and Pinderfields with Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust hospitals (an acute hospital).
The service involves an HSC working with hospital inpatients to assist them with their housing related needs. The aim of the service is to help facilitate hospital discharge and improve outcomes for patients. As a new service, both NHS and housing partners wanted to understand the impact of the HSC project through an evaluation. The WHoSE evaluation was undertaken by the University of Sheffield and funded by the NIHR School for Public Health.
This extended executive summary provides an overview of the main evaluation findings and can be read as standalone document. It includes a summary of the project’s methodology, key findings, and the conclusions and recommendations arising from the analyses.