The DemECH project: Supporting people living with dementia in extra care housing

Written by Dr. Rebecca Oatley from Cardiff University and Teresa Atkinson from the Association for Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester, this Housing LIN Viewpoint (No. 107) presents valuable insights from The DemECH project.
The study, funded by the NIHR School for Social Care, delves into various extra care housing models and their potential to enhance the wellbeing of individuals living with dementia. This Housing LIN Viewpoint (No. 107):
- Outlines what the project set out to do and how
- Highlights the many variables that impact the experience of living well with dementia in extra care housing
- Draws attention to the different models that work for different people
- Questions whether extra care housing can be a ‘home for life’ for people living with dementia
Additionally, this Viewpoint highlights the development of key insight booklets designed for individuals and families affected by dementia, as well as organisations engaged in providing extra care housing for people living with dementia, and adult social care commissioners and professionals.
The Viewpoint concludes that living well with dementia in extra care housing involves ensuring a person-centered approach is provided in order that the right person can live in the right housing, with the right care and support, at the right time.