SCIE Guide: Adult Safeguarding and Housing Staff
This online guide from SCIE raises awareness about safeguarding in key areas relevant for housing staff: at management and frontline levels, for all housing staff, not just those in sheltered or supported housing. Housing staff have a vital role to play in safeguarding adults from abuse, neglect and harm, working alongside their colleagues in social care, health and the police. They are well placed to identify people at risk of abuse and it is important that they work in partnership to coordinate responses and know when to share information.
Supported by the Housing LIN, the guide aims to help housing and contracted staff improve their communication and joint working with safeguarding partners, particularly local authority social services staff with safeguarding responsibilities. It includes information to help frontline staff identify people at risk and possible signs of abuse and to know what to do if they have concerns. The guide identifies some of the issues relating to safeguarding in housing and suggests key areas for improvement.
View the comprehensive information in each of the following sections by clicking on the headings below:
- Frontline housing staff and contractors (opens new window)
- Housing Managers (opens new window)
- Local Authority Social Care Staff (opens new window)
An accompanying promotional video can also be viewed here (opens new window)