Putting Older People First in the North West

This paper from the Housing LIN’s North West Leadership Set provides a blueprint for meeting the housing with care needs of the ever-rising numbers of older people in the region.
It reports that by 2030 the numbers of people aged over 65 across the North West will be 31% higher than in 2015. The rise in the numbers of very old people – those aged over 90 – and those living with dementia is even more dramatic.
The document also sets out the national policy context, the care sector workforce challenge and the evidence that integration of specialist housing and the use of technology enabled care facilitates independent living and can reduce demand for health and social care services. It warns that without a enabling innovative housing and care alternatives to flourish, the number of older people living in care homes in the North West is set to rise by 55%, to over 67,000 between 2015 and 2030.
The second part of the document includes case studies that show how organisations in the region are already working together to provide older people with high-quality housing and at home care and support services that improves their health and wellbeing.