Manchester: a city for life 2023-2028

Manchester City Council's strategy, ‘Manchester: a city for life 2023- 2028' builds on the foundations of age-friendly work ongoing in the city and sets out the vision and priorities for Manchester as an age-friendly city where people can age happily with equality, respect and independence and where they have a voice in the life of the city.
Using the eight key features of an age friendly city (opens new window) defined by the WHO as a starting point for their strategy, in this document, Manchester City Council has set four key themes for its work. Housing is covered under the theme 'Age-friendly neighbourhoods where we can all age in place', which sets out how people can age well in the neighbourhoods they choose, with access to the right services, housing, information and opportunities. There are nine aims outlined as part of this theme, including to broaden Manchester’s age-friendly housing choices by:
- building new housing that supports people throughout their lives, especially as their needs change;
- adapting existing homes to enable people to age in the place of their choice (and addressing the impacts of climate change);
- developing a range of specialist housing choices, such as extra care schemes and the LGBTQ+ majority extra care scheme.
The plan was developed through a wide-ranging consultation with services and voluntary sector colleagues and the Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Board. It also details progress from the last five years, highlights the impact of COVID-19 on progress, and outlines how the council plans to measure the impact of their strategy.