Innovative funding and delivery options in extra care sheltered housing

Housing LIN 'Get Smart' Guide - Public sector capital investment constraints necessitate the need for innovation and radically different ideas to come forward to meet the proven need for new older peoples housing. The guide seeks to summarise and assess new financial options available to local public sector and not for profit organisations that may be available for new build extra care accommodation arising from Housing Revenue Account reform; the anticipated introduction of Real Estate Investment Trusts; Tax Incremental Financing; and other options. 'Get Smart' brings together a number of experts involved in procuring, designing, constructing, funding, costing and developing extra care housing and captures their personal views to drive inward investment and innovation in the sector. They include:
- Extra care: unlocking the market potential by Melville Knight, Castleoak
- Private sector investment into older persons housing by David Dent, Elliott Dent
- A long-term game for an old age problem by Darren Crocker, Gleeds
- Extra care housing - financed by institutional investment by Niall Henderson, independent consultant
- Funding structures for extra care housing by Coralie Foster, PKF Accountants
- Delivering extra care housing - the Local Authority route? By Steve Partridge, Chartered Institute of Housing
- Innovation in extra care housing - capital investment by Charlotte Cook, Winkworth Sherwood LLP, and
- Extra care housing: innovative funding approaches & support for development by Tina Hothersall, Homes and Communities Agency