Ideas for Change 2017: Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire

This report captures the findings of a student architects’ competition at the University of Lincoln that looked into the vision of innovative solutions for Extra Care Housing to meet the County Council’s strategy.
It is a development of the ideas they envisage on how we should shape our built environment for an ageing population to advance local strategies.
The students identified needs for the wellbeing of older people in Lincolnshire, which endorsed the emerging evidence for the necessity of opportunities for wellbeing and challenges in rural ageing.
In particular: mobility to provide access to facilities; opportunity to be with friends and family; affordable health and care; range of choice to downsize in their community; adaptability to changing physical and cognitive ability; active ageing and healthy lifestyles; opportunity to participate socially and economically; opportunity for care in the community to promote wellbeing; and the need to integrate housing with the delivery of health.