Homes for Londoners: Affordable Homes Programme 2016-21 Funding Guidance

This new guidance specifies the circumstances in which the Mayor will make funding available under the Mayor of London's £2.171 billion Affordable Homes Programme to achieve 60,000 affordable homes on-site by 2021, including supported and specialised housing for disabled and older Londoners. Specific reference is also made to the Mayor's Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (MCSSHF) and the need to adhere to HAPPI (opens new window) design principles.
In terms of timing, funding bids by 'Approved Providers', including London Boroughs, under the Affordable Homes Programme need to be submitted using the GLA's new 'Open Project System' (OPS) between 31 January and 13 April 2017. With announcements of allocations made in May, with the GLA's 'partners' contracted by the end of June, 2017.
In relation to the MCSSHF, proposals to deliver specialised housing should follow the criteria set out in earlier funding guidance, MCSSHF Phase One, published in October 2012. The GLA states that it is interested in any proposals that meet this criterion, though affordable solutions will take priority.