Home Truths Rebutting 10 myths about building accessible housing
This Age UK and Habinteg factsheet challenges the myths that delivering accessible housing is “too costly, too difficult or simply undesirable for buyers”.
And as highlighted in the HAPPI reports (opens new window), an ageing population and increasing numbers of people with mobility problems means that new homes need to be accessible and adaptable to ensure they work for everybody, supporting independence, health, and wellbeing. However, since 2015, accessible housing standards are optional, meaning local planning authorities must make the case for requiring new homes in their area to be built to the standard. Age UK and Habinteg are therefore calling for:
- Regulation to ensure all new homes are built to accessible adaptable standard
- 10% of new homes to be built to wheelchair accessible standards, and
- In the interim, the government to amend planning rules to protect the discretion of local authorities to decide the number of accessible homes built in their area
The Housing LIN is pleased to be a member of the Coalition for Accessible Homes, chaired by Habinteg and the Centre for Ageing Better.