Funding for Supported Housing Consultation

This consultation seeks views on the design of the Government's new housing costs funding model for supported housing, as well as views on how funding for emergency and short term placements should work.

It covers the following areas:

  1. Devolved top-up funding to local authorities in England; and
  2. Funding for emergency and short term supported housing placements across Great Britain.

This consultation will last for 12 weeks from 21 November (closing on Monday 13 February 2017).

You may respond by emailing your response to the questions in this consultation to:

And, in December 2016, the House of Commons Library published a briefing paper, Paying for Supported Housing (opens new window) which explains the impact of the Government's policy of requiring rent reductions, and also the application of Local Housing Allowance caps, on the supported housing sector. It reports that the sector has argued that the measures threaten its viability. On 15 September 2016 the Government announced that LHA caps will apply in 2019/20.