Extra Care Housing and Personal Budgets
This Housing LIN Workshop Report describes the scenarios, and identifies a set of key questions and issues, aided by the feedback from a recent workshop on the subject, hosted by the South East and London Housing LIN.
It outlines a number of approaches to the introduction of Personal Budgets in ECH, which are currently being considered by several local authorities and/ or providers. Indeed, it seems that many councils are still in the early stages of planning how to enable their extra care residents to access personal budgets, so some of these approaches are as yet untested. In some cases, plans are being co-produced with service users and carers, which if done properly, inevitably, requires a greater lead-in time prior to implementation. As a result, all of the scenarios outlined in this report raise as many questions as they do answers.
However, depending on local plans, these questions could be considered by councils and help ensure a robust approach to enabling extra care residents to access personal budgets. The local authorities associated with each particular approach have not been identified. We welcome further comments to info.housing@dh.gsi.gov.uk