Exploring what works well and less well in a community-based drop-in model providing health and wellbeing services for people experiencing homelessness: An evaluation of the Joseph Cowen Health Centre

This evaluation, funded by Newcastle University and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), outlines what is working well (and not so well) in drop-in services for people experiencing homelessness at Joseph Cowen Health Centre in Byker, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
The goal was to learn about the operational side of delivery and to make suggestions for how the services for people facing homelessness who need to engage with health, housing and other services could be improved, where learnings could be shared across the system, and to identify opportunities for future development.
The report, based on studies undertaken in 2023, contains recommendations for the Jospeh Cowen Health Centre, but also three key recommendations for the wider system to create integrated co-located health and wellbeing hubs or services for people experiencing homelessness.