Evidence Review: Housing and Health Inequalities in London
This evidence review, published by Institute of Health Equity, considers the evidence for housing interventions that support health and that can contribute to reducing health inequalities.
The review has been produced for the Greater London Authority (GLA) as part of a series of evidence reviews to support delivery of the GLA’s strategic priorities. It includes case studies and evidence for housing interventions that support health.
The evidence presented in the review is tailored to the London context due to the number of characteristics that distinguish the relationship between health and housing in London from elsewhere in England, namely:
- Quality
- Security
- Affordability
An overarching recommendation of this review is that the GLA and local authorities in London must continue to use their expertise and experience to advocate for national government action to provide secure, good quality homes for all.
The Government should adopt a medium- to long-term aim to rapidly accelerate an increase in the supply of social housing, available at an affordable rent, that is good quality, suitable for a range of needs, and offers long-term security of tenure.