Digital innovation in adult social care: how we’ve been supporting communities during COVID-19

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This report from the LGA explores how councils and their partners can best to support greater digital innovation and adoption across the adult social care sector in a sustainable way.  It is set out in three parts:

  1. What can be done to support the use of technology for connection, wellbeing and bringing communities closer together?
  2. What can be  learned about the factors which lead to successful digital innovation in adult social care and those that don’t? 
  3. What mechanisms can be put in place to sustain new learning, approaches and ways of working?

The report includes a series of examples, including:

  • Kent County Council: where technology promotes the independence of people with a learning disability and autism
  • Stockport MBC: DigiKnow to improve digital inclusion through online skills and offering support to gain digital confidence
  • Lincolnshire County Council: piloting telehealth to support 150 care homes with remote vital signs monitoring during the pandemic.