Choice and control in social care: Experiences of older self‐funders in England

Choice and control in social care: Experiences of older self‐funders in England

This NIHR SSCR paper by the University of York considers the experiences of older self‐funders in England in the context of policies promoting choice and control.

Self‐funders are people who are not state‐funded; they pay for social care from their own resources. Choice and control have been operationalized through personal budgets, based on the assumption that managing resources enhances ability to access appropriate care and support. The study found that older self‐funders drew on personal experiences, family, and friends for information; were reluctant to spend their wealth on care due to competing priorities; and felt they had more control over the timing of decisions than people who were state‐funded. Personal wealth appears to be perceived differently to funds "gifted" to people through cash for care schemes.