Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life?

A collaboration between Park Grove Design Ltd and the Housing LIN, 'Interior Considerations: Interior Design Impacts Quality of Life (2nd edition)' shares latest key interior design considerations when developing environments for later living which are both inviting and in-line with current design research and practice.
Park Grove Design has been working to improve later living environments for decades. Their long-held company motto is directly in-line with current philosophy, namely that: ‘Great environments improve quality of life.’ This Factsheet, therefore, is intended to be used as a discussion tool and to aid in considerations for the interior design of new build and refurbished housing schemes for older people, including concepts for: extra care housing, dementia design, and is applicable to private residential properties.
When considering modifications which allow for possible physical impairment due to the ageing process, we must look to the opportunities to enhance environments in a non-clinical, safe, and essentially homely manner. This factsheet provides inspiration for making housing which meets many of the needs of older people while creating a desirable place in which to live.
This document builds on the 1st edition of this Housing LIN Factsheet No.34, published in 2012.
The Housing LIN Factsheet No.34 (1st edition) suggested key features to consider in designing the interior of new or refurbished housing for older people, including extra care. It also contains photo 'tours' of two extra care schemes that illustrate the application of design features. The author, an interior designer with PRP Architects, describes the sort of materials and furniture that are now available as new suppliers move into this market.
It is intended to be used as a discussion tool and aid when considering the interior design for a new build or refurbishment housing scheme for older people, including extra care housing. It is not about building regulations and correct design guidelines (you can find that in Factsheet no 6, Design Principles for Extra Care (opens new window), and other relevant resources on the Design pages on the Housing LIN web site), but rather about finding inspiration for making purpose-built housing desirable and an attractive place where older people want to live.