Better Homes, Better Neighbourhoods and Better Health


This Tripartite Agreement is a collaboration between Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Greater Manchester Housing Providers and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership.

It sets out their vision and plans to work alongside local people and neighbourhoods to deliver positive change across the Greater Manchester economy. Its overriding focus is to embed the role of housing in joined up action on improving health. In particular, by:

  • aligning resources and expertise, to improve outcomes in existing homes and neighbourhoods;
  • influencing the development of new housing and communities with the right physical, social and green infrastructure that promote healthy lifestyles;
  • supporting public service reform by aligning health and social care systems to wider public services such as education, skills, work and housing;
  • embedding the principles of Inclusion Health into the way we work, deliver services and commission, to ensure that supporting the most vulnerable is everyone's business

Furthermore, the agreement builds on the work of the GMCA Housing & Health programme (the Housing LIN is a member) to address the needs of vulnerable households and those that require specialist housing.

It explicitly states that it will do this by:

  • reducing the pressures on health and social care by introducing our Healthy Homes services across all ten authorities; to support vulnerable households and improve their health and wellbeing, providing an effective route to support local people where they live;
  • developing a better understanding of current and future need for all types and tenures of housing to help direct commissioning;
  • exploring diverse housing options and invest in new modern homes and models of support for people who are older, living with learning disabilities, Alzheimer's and dementia, mental health issues and physical disabilities, young people leaving care and people who are homeless as a means to live independently for longer;
  • championing and advising on specialist accommodation for those who require it and to use our workforce as key agents of behaviour change;
  • supporting delivery of the Greater Manchester Age Friendly Strategy, particularly where housing and spatial development can support people to 'ageing in place' and improve health outcomes for our older population;
  • creating a range of accommodation and support for care leavers that meets their needs and ambitions to live independently;
  • delivering the Greater Manchester Housing and Mental Health Strategy to develop alternative models and pathways which will assist key groups to achieve secure, high quality homes and support;
  • supporting a greater proportion of the population to remain independent and reduce their need for formal care;
  • innovating to lower the cost of long-term care e.g. use of technology or asset based approaches; 
  • developing stronger links with housing, social care and community mental health teams to ensure the best possible outcome for people receiving services in the system.