Adapting the Private Rented Sector

The National Residential Landlords Association has launched a report and guidance to help inform landlords of the role they can play in supporting the UK’s ageing population and disabled renters.
The report, ‘ Adapting the Private Rented Sector’, marks a shift in the way in which external stakeholders engage with landlords as efforts increase towards improving the provision of suitably adapted homes in the PRS.
It found that 79% of landlords where not aware of DFGs and there is a need for guidance to inform them about the process for adaptations.
And while just 8% of landlords currently let to tenants with accessibility needs, suggesting a lack of experience in the sector more widely, NRLA research showed that offering a long-leasing option with local authorities managing the property and the needs of tenants, would be attractive to landlords. It recommended piloting such a scheme to increase the supply of housing of adapted properties in the private rented sector.