A Progressive Approach to Accessible Housing

This new Housing LIN Viewpoint no 22 is by a co-author of the influential HAPPI report. Written by Julia Park, Levitt Bernstein Architects, she proposes a way of accommodating accessible housing within a more progressive approach to building design and related standards that can meet a diverse range of housing needs. This is 'in tune' with current review of standards/regulations and the Viewpoint makes the case for how standards relating to accessibility such as Part M, Lifetime Homes, Wheelchair Housing Design, Extra Care, HAPPI or other locally adopted criteria could all 'nestle' in a more streamlined standards framework.
The Viewpoint articulates a three tier approach which Julia argues provides a more cost effective and rationalised way to create a better balance of new accessible housing supply in local communities and, as a result, a better fit for those who want to rent or purchase accessible accommodation in their neighbourhoods that meets their specific requirements, lifestyle choices and/or future needs.