Prevention is the best cure to ease winter pressures on health and social care, says new report by ADASS.

ADASS Autumn Survey 2023 COVER

Based on responses from a their regular survey of Directors of Adult Social Services in the 153 English councils, the Autumn Survey Report from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) argues for the need to invest in more early, preventative social care support in people’s homes and local communities, to invest in better housing and put people in control of their care through providing better access to information and advice.

The key findings and recommendations of the report aim to improve the lives of people who need care and support and stop the cycle of winter pressures on hospitals seen every year. It contains recommendations about housing to better support older and disabled people, people who face mental health challenges, who are homeless or are from disadvantaged or minoritised communities.

The report stresses that every decision about care is also a decision about housing. The social care leaders surveyed identify sheltered and extra care housing as a key solution to provide regular support and stop problems escalating, supporting people at home and out of hospital. Almost all survey responses agreed that specialist accommodation designed for people with dementia in their local areas would make a difference. They also call for new homes to be built to accessibility standards which allow for wheelchairs, ramps and stairlifts as people’s needs change.